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Huge Google News For Window Cleaning Professionals

Huge Google News For Window Cleaning Professionals

Exciting developments for Window Cleaning Professionals: A noticeable shift has occurred in the online landscape, particularly evident in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Notably, organic listings have been pushed further down the page. The new layout typically showcases 4 paid ads upfront, followed by AI-generated answers, community insights from platforms like Quora or Reddit, map listings, and then organic listings interspersed with shopping ads and more paid ads.

This transformation begs the question: Why? It's reasonable to assume it's driven by revenue considerations. Despite Google's staggering $258 billion earnings last year, the pressure to maximize revenue persists. This could lead to measures like layoffs, budget cuts, or even over-reliance on AI for customer service, a move I question for its efficacy.

Putting aside personal sentiments, let's focus on the crucial issue: How should Window Cleaning Professionals adapt? One strategy involves boosting content creation, such as videos, blogs, and GBP (Google Business Profile) updates. However, this still leaves organic listings below the fold, a relic term from print newspapers, now applicable to the continuous scroll of modern SERPs. A quick tip here, optimizing your map listing is a very good strategy going forward. The biggest issue is that it is limited in its reach.

The most straightforward solution? Invest in Google Ads to secure your prime visibility. Fortunately, I possess expertise in this area and can attest to its successful results.

Some tips:

  • Avoid Smart Ads, a subpar Google product notorious for draining budgets with little to show. Its reliance on AI algorithms can be likened to misguided recommendations, akin to endorsing unconventional remedies.
  • Alternatively, learn to manage your own Google Ads through online tutorials or opt for expert assistance at a reasonable cost.
  • Social media experiments, particularly on platforms like Facebook, may yield limited returns, as our extensive 12-year trial has shown. DIY endeavors are advisable here.

Is SEO spending a futile endeavor? It's premature to conclude, given the evolving SERP layout. However, allocating substantial funds to SEO might not be prudent. Instead, prioritize ad investments for swift returns. Nevertheless, ensure your website is expertly crafted to engage, educate, and establish credibility in your local market – a task best entrusted to a professional.

If you are looking for impactful online marketing services for window covering retailers and window cleaning businesses, please call ExSeed Marketing at 949-768-6695 or click here to fill out our online request form